Teaching and Training

GP Registrar

GP registrars are doctors who have qualified from medical school, they have done their Foundation year 1 & 2 working often in hospitals, they are then asked to pick a speciality. Our Registrar Doctors have picked GP as their speciality which is then a further 3 years training before they can qualify as a GP. Their time with us can be from 4 months to over 12 months if working less than full time, depending on where they are in their training. Whilst here they are learning more about family medicine under our supervision. Each trainee has a supervising GP daily who is there to support and to go through cases at the end of each session.

We are a dedicated training practice who have an experienced team of GPs willing to help support our registrars. Dr D Jackson and Dr McGreal are programme directors at different local medical schools in the area, so the practice is a popular choice for trainees to attend.

Video Surgeries

We may sometimes ask whether patients mind having their consultation with the doctor or medical student recorded.  This is so that it can be watched back with a more senior doctor to observe and teach consultation skills.  This is a very important part of a student’s and doctor’s training as the willingness of patients to allow this is much appreciated.  We will never record any consultation without your permission.

Joint Surgeries

We may occasionally ask whether patients mind having their GP registrar consultation observed by another GP.  This enables the GP registrar to get feedback on their consultations and sometimes involve the patients in this process.